In order to drive results, we strive to stay in-the-loop and ahead of trends in our field. And yours. Here, you’ll find our insights on topics ranging from design, digital marketing and so much more. Let’s learn together.
These 5 Social Media Trends Are Gaining Traction in 2023
Welcome to the second half of the year! By now, key trends are clear, data is plentiful, and you have just enough time left before December 31 to lock in a game-changing, profit-driving social media strategy—the kind that can take 2023 from a so-so season to a resounding success. Over the past several months, we’ve been monitoring social media trends, watching the data, and focusing our strategies on what’s really working right now. We’ve poured countless hours into building business-winning strategies for our clients—and now we’re sharing a few of our best insights with you. Curious how you can maximize [...]
Funneling Customers in the Right Direction
Funneling Customers in the Right Direction Brands Do Better with a Full Funnel Strategy Full Funnel Marketing Wins the Prize In March 2020, 88% of online shopping carts were abandoned. (Statista) No. Sale. Competition is fierce. Which makes companies want to push harder on people to buy. Which makes competition [...]
Closing the Gap in Customer Service
Personal Branding Can Close the Customer Service Gap Customers Want to Be Heard. Personal Branding Is All Ears. Personal Branding Makes Customer Service Better Customer reviews can make or break a business, and customer service draws a straight line to those reviews. Anything that companies can do to improve the [...]
True Story: Building a Personal Brand
This is the fourth and final installment of our Personal Branding series: How to Establish a Personal Brand. A personal brand can lead to new opportunities and connections that can change your life, but like most worthwhile things, it’s not easy. The key to winning over a crowded online audience [...]
So Many Platforms: Which One Is Right for Your Brand?
Parts 1 and 2 of our Personal Branding series cover the What and Why. Part 3: Where should your personal brand land? Even if you’ve got the most on-target personal brand, WHERE you tell your story is as important as the story itself. Brands are primarily digital, and if you don’t use the right platforms, [...]
What Am I Missing If I Don’t Have a Personal Brand?
My marketing seems to be working fine. A personal brand seems like overkill - like something LeBron James or Kim Kardashian worries about. Does a regular peep like me really have to think about it? It’s true, personal branding may have found its start as a way for celebrities and [...]
Opening the Door to Success with Personal Branding
Some call it Image. Some say Reputation. Others call it Work History. Personal Branding is all and none of those things. In our opinion, Personal Branding is your story, and the more authentic, open and frequently you build your content, the more success you’ll find for you and your company. In [...]
How to Hedge Your Marketing Bets post-iOS 14
Chances are, we roll our eyes a little when that red dot appears on our iPhone’s home screen for yet another operating system update. But if we want the latest and greatest functions from Apple….click it we must. So here comes iOS 14, and it’s like a box of chocolates. [...]
And That’s How the 3rd-Party Cookie Crumbles
After decades of driving online advertising and online privacy concerns, the 3rd-party cookie finally crumbles. Following the leads of Firefox and Safari, Google has announced the 3rd-party cookie will no longer fill the proverbial marketing plate as of 2022. what? There’s no doubt that the elimination of 3rd-party cookies [...]