1. Personal Branding Can Close the Customer Service Gap
  2. Customers Want to Be Heard. Personal Branding Is All Ears.
  3. Personal Branding Makes Customer Service Better

Customer reviews can make or break a business, and customer service draws a straight line to those reviews. Anything that companies can do to improve the customer service experience equates to an improvement to the bottom line. Customers are also driving the shift away from “traditional” service interactions toward the speed and convenience of everything else we do on our smartphones…including customer service.

Personal branding can be used to close the gap between the company and its customer service by:

Making It Personal. A personal touch goes a long way in customer service satisfaction. For example, let’s say an angry customer has complained about your product. Rather than responding as the corporate brand, one of your salespeople might personally apologize, and offer to make things right. This can make customers feel like they’re getting special treatment. And everybody likes to feel special.

Making It Trustworthy. Personal brands are more trusted than the corporate brands they work with. They can share their personal experiences with their company’s products or services, rather than just talking about them. And when it comes to interacting with customers on an individual level, personal brands have more leeway – and a friendly tone, plainspeak, and heartfelt apologies all go a long way toward customer satisfaction.

Making It Helpful: Personal brands can share and distribute help content. A resource library of help documents and videos allows customers to help themselves. By using personal brands to distribute this content, you’ll make it more visible, and you might be able to solve customer problems before they even become problems.

At MediaSpark, we love all things Personal Branding and if you’re having a hard time wrapping your head around yours, just drop us a line!