How to rocket your business out of this world and navigate the ever-expanding digital ad space.


The digital advertising universe just got a little bigger. 

Brands can now be searched for on Instagram and TikTok, and more ad spaces have opened up on ultra-popular commerce sites, ticketing platforms, and delivery apps. Smart TVs, Firestick, and Roku are allowing ads, and even Audible is testing ads as an option for consumers to listen to content for free.

All this new ad territory is exciting, but it presents some challenges.


Ad Frequency Interference

More ads means more returns, but it also means—well, more ads. If you put yourself out there TOO much, you run the risk of oversaturating your client base, and they’ll either be annoyed by the sheer sight of you or they’ll filter it as noise and ignore it. Diagnosis: Ad Frequency Interference. 

So, how do you balance ad frequency so the signal to your customers’ minds isn’t overwhelmed?

  • Control how often your ads are showing up. In a recent Meta report, they found that ads appearing 1-1.5x per week generated 22% more ROI than those that appeared once every other week or 2x a week. Think of each ad as a gentle reminder to your customers that you exist and are ready to help.
  • Make your content relevant to your audience. If all you’ve got is a great jingle, they might sing your song in the car, but that doesn’t mean they’ll trust you with their business. Put out ads, reels, and testimonials with information consumers can use.
  • Find your audience. Find ways to insert yourself into places that will welcome your services, or that desperately need them. If you’re a financial advisor, consumers buying makeup probably won’t care to see your ads. But if you’re a jewelry business, advertising with a makeup business could prove fruitful.

If you don’t know where your audience is going, time to incorporate some data analytics. If you don’t know how to go about doing that, we know some people.


Ignite Cosmic Creativity

Put on those thinking caps, people! These ad platforms are brand new ways to reach consumers. It’s not always about them seeing your logo, it’s about getting their attention and giving them value.

    • Partner with influencers. If you offer in-home services, find a local DIY influencer and partner with them to show the inside of a completed project or allow them to use materials that you’ve provided for their projects. If you’ve got a restaurant, invite a local foodie to try your menu.
    • Post how-to videos on different platforms to encourage customer trust. When possible, sell small at-home kits with how-to videos so you can provide customers with a way to fill their own needs. If they post themselves using the kits, you can share and keep spreading the word!
  • Have fun! Advertising doesn’t always have to be serious. Reels can go viral for humor. Post what-not-to-do videos, parody popular songs, or post your business story—authenticity rules here.


Boldly Go Where No One is Willing to Go…Yet

It’s a great big digital world out there. The more you experiment, the quicker you’ll learn what works, what doesn’t, and most importantly, how to reach your audience. Bonus—you’ll have an edge over competitors.

  • Don’t be afraid to lose money. There’s no data for how your business will perform on ticketing apps or smart TVs, but if you’re willing to try and track it, you can find out. It may not yield as much revenue as you hoped, but that’s all part of the process.
  • Dive deep when you know it counts. If there’s an app you know your customer is more likely to use, go all in! Blaze your way to the top of the new advertising space and see what happens. If it doesn’t spur more revenue after the recommended run time, scale back and move to the next space.
  • Diversify your ad space. Going all in with one new path doesn’t mean you can ignore the others. Put out feelers for where you can advertise next if the first all-in venture proves unsuccessful. And as always, track that data!

Chart Your Marketing Course

Whatever you try, track the success and failure of each venture. Armed with new information, research your findings and plan out a course of action for your company.

  • Allocate funds toward marketing material that is within your set budget, and plan ahead for bigger campaigns.
  • Keep the creativity. There’s no limit to what you can try, but there is a limit to the time in your day. Schedule times for brainstorming, and don’t be afraid to try something new.
  • Make clear goals. With every new venture you try, have an achievable goal. Are you trying to get more people to land on your webpage? More followers on your socials? Customer engagement? Brand awareness? Whatever the goal, use that as your guide for allocating your resources.


Contact Mission Control For Help

If you really want to get ahead, consider hiring a marketing company to help you track the success of your marketing campaigns.

A professional marketing team can…

  • Pool your resources. Just as you have a home office team to delegate that paperwork, you’re getting a whole team of people with knowledge and know-how at your disposal to help launch your marketing campaigns.
  • Keep up with trends. In the ever-changing digital marketing universe, it’s marketing teams that will keep their ear to the ground. Just as an interior designer has to keep up with new styles, it’s our job to know what new marketing trends will help promote those new styles to the right customers.
  • Gift wrap a marketing package tailored to your business needs so you can not only get more leads but also keep the focus on your customers’ experience.

You don’t have to venture into this new space alone. Our MediaSpark team is equipped and standing by, ready to launch you and your business to the stars.