Just as digital, mobile and social media technology have changed the way we communicate, video has changed the way we consume information. We use video to learn new skills and recipes, watch news and announcements, and see what’s trending, especially if we missed it when it happened live. We engage more with video and, in turn, it can have a higher return on investment than text-only ads.

Top marketers realize this. In fact, 85% of businesses want to create more video in 2018.

Why are more businesses using video marketing?

These stats may help explain why:

· Over 8 billion videos (100 million hours) videos watched on Facebook EVERY DAY. [TechCrunch]

· 43% of people want to see more video content from marketers in the future. [HubSpot]

· 73% of B2B marketers say that video positively impacts marketing ROI. [Tubular Insights]

· Facebook Live videos on average receive 6-times as many interactions as regular videos. [Facebook]

· 6 in 10 YouTube subscribers would follow advice on what to buy from their favorite creator over other types of content. [Google]

· Companies that use videos in their marketing grow revenue 49% faster YOY. [Aberdeen Group]

· 4-times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it before making a purchase. [Animoto]

How can I use video marketing?

Video marketing is a great addition to your promotion toolbox. It is probably one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools available today and we can help you use it for marketing in a variety of ways.

· Use it to increase page conversions by showing product demonstrations on your website.

· Promote your brand and increase consumer confidence by creating a brand awareness video.

· Highlight your company’s involvement at a conference, fundraiser or roundtable discussion.

· Announce the launch of a new product.

· Go live for a behind-the-scenes look at your company.

· Create a 360-degree video to allow viewers to control the experience.

· Increase time spent on your website using video. The longer exposure signals search engines that your site has good content.

· Make sure your videos can be viewed from mobile devices.

· Prompt your video to be shared across multiple social media platforms, expanding your target audience.

What are some benefits of video marketing?

Video marketing has some unique attributes that can not only help you promote your business, but also give you more value for your money.

· Choose non-skippable, pre-roll videos; you’re only charged when the full video is watched.

· There are services, like Pandora Plus, that give the listener free, uninterrupted music as a reward for watching the video. This creates a feeling of goodwill, rather than being forced to watch an ad.

· You’ll be ahead of the marketing game as more and more consumers are cutting the cord. It is estimated that 22.8 million people 18 and older cut the cord to pay T.V. last year, bringing the total number of cord cutters and cord nevers to 56.6 million in the United States.

· Chances are, your competitors are already using video for marketing and adding it to your current marketing plan can help you compete.

The possibilities of video marketing are endless, but we can help you navigate the waters and figure out what will work best for your company. Contact us today to get started!