For the second year in a row, MediaSpark has earned Omaha Magazine’s “Best of B2B” Award for Best Social Media Consulting.

“Last year was a lovely surprise,” said Andrea Brendis, MediaSpark. “This year, however, we really picked up speed and challenged ourselves to improve our game, especially with the number of worthy agencies in the mix. It’s always an honor to be recognized by your clients and peers.”

Nominations for the “vote of confidence” award were sent to the magazine via hand-written ballot from its readers. Created as a way for area businesses to recognize the efforts and achievements of other businesses, the “Best of B2B” awards are now in their 12th year.

“Last year was the first year we added social to our core media marketing packages,” said Patsy Sumner, MediaSpark founder, who has nearly 20 years of experience in consumer packaging and brand management. “It has quickly become one of the most important pieces to the marketing puzzle, especially for its ability to target, analyze, and adjust to the strongest audiences.” Sumner credits the nod to talents, passions, and professional growth of the MediaSpark team.

“Of course, getting it two years in a row makes us want to work that much harder for next year’s nomination!” adds Sumner, showing the competitive streak from her Creighton volleyball days.

MediaSpark offers media marketing services that meet target audiences exactly where they are, whether it’s a billboard, a radio spot, a social media ad, or print piece. “MediaSpark has grown tremendously in the past year, and we actively keep learning about our industry,” she said. “Client satisfaction and awards like this prove we’re doing something right–and we aim to keep doing it.”