At MediaSpark, we’re all about time-saving tips and cost-effective features. That’s why, when Google rolled out new templates and automatic voice-overs for YouTube video ads, we had to be the first to try them!

After a year of building high-converting and attention-grabbing YouTube ads, we’re thrilled to share the three biggest things we’ve learned about using these features to boost your video ad reach and impact, one view at a time.

If you haven’t tried the text-to-talk auto-generator, or you’re not sure if you’re making the most of it, check out our biggest takeaways from this video ad time-hack:

  1. Voice-overs maximize the impact of every ad

When it comes to YouTube ads, visuals matter—but sound effects, music, and voice-overs might just matter even more. Unlike social media, where the best ads are often designed to be engaging with or without sound playing, on YouTube, sound is one of the most effective ways to differentiate your ad.

With that in mind, Google set out to determine the most impactful form of audio in a YouTube ad. And over 5,000 ad tests later, the team launched the seven highly effective (and fantastically easy to add!) voice-overs available in your asset library today.

Just how effective are these auto-generated voice-overs? For brands like Sony, simply adding one voice-over to the company’s 15- and 30-second ads increased ad recall by 25%! While the company previously used voice-over for less than half of its YouTube ads, once the ROI became clear, they now use the feature on an increasing number of video pieces.

  1. Google’s voice-over feature offers voice-overs in minutes

Google’s voice-over feature uses AI technology to convert the text you enter into natural-sounding vocal audio faster than you can say “return-on-investment.” And Google’s voices are optimized for advertising, meaning they sound less like a robotic GPS reading out turn-by-turn directions, and more like a true voice actor. Plus, the voice-overs are available in several languages, including Spanish.

What we appreciate most about Google’s voice-overs—besides the extra ROI they help generate on every YouTube ad—is that they save our team countless hours of marketing effort.

Finding a talented voice-over actor can be expensive. Communicating your voice-over needs, editing the recording, and integrating it with your video ad takes time. And every time you need a new voice-over or a different recording, the process resets. Google’s AI voice-overs offer engaging audio in a fraction of the time—so you can maximize your budget and timeline.

To access Google Ads’ free automatic voice-over feature, just choose a video from your asset library, click the “Add voice-over” button, and type in the messages you want the voice to read. You can add as many as five different voice-overs to your ad, and each message can be up to 150 characters long. That’s 1-2 sentences per message—so keep your voice-overs short!

  1. This game-changing feature is built right into your asset library

In Google’s video ad creation tool, you’ll find time-saving templates built around several common ad goals, like click-throughs, app downloads, sales generation, and more. These templates take the guesswork out of ad creation, so you can focus on the quality of your content—and your customer service.

Once you choose your video ad template, you can drop in your creative assets, choose music from Google’s audio library, and add your AI-generated voice-over straight to the piece. With seven different AI-generated voices to choose from (four male voices and three female voices), you can tailor the voice-over to appeal to your target audience.

You’re an expert and what you do. And so are we!

At MediaSpark, we’ve mastered digital marketing so our clients can experience hands-free growth. From our demand-generating video ads, to engagement-driving social media campaigns, we create visible growth for great businesses. Chat with our team to talk about your next goal!