Social media is about consuming content fast. If you can’t capture your audience’s attention in the first few seconds, they’ve already scrolled past your post.

Start creating great video content now!

  1. What do you want to say? Identify your target audience and learn how to speak to them directly. Keep it short and keep it engaging. You won’t be able to say everything in a short video, so make sure every word and every image is intentional.
  2. Create a story. A solid structure can allow viewers to easily digest content. Creating an outline before a shoot can be beneficial, as well. A clear vision can make production flow more smoothly.
  3. Turn your vision into reality. The camera on your phone can be used to capture great quality video for organic content. Keep two things in mind; lighting and audio quality. Make sure these two are top-notch and you’re good to go.
  4. Edit your content. There are great apps that can be used to easily edit your content. Trim clips, add music, and color-correct right on your phone.
  5. Post it! Keep an eye on the post. See what works with your audience and tweak for future posts. Good luck!

Want more help on how to create engaging social video content for your brand? Partner with MediaSpark; we specialize in affordable daily content.