B2B Omaha Magazine has revealed its annual “Best of B2B™” winners for 2017, and MediaSpark is on the coveted list for Best Social Media Consultant.

To be nominated for the Best of B2B award, names of companies had to be sent in by readers on hand-written ballots. The award, touted as the “vote of confidence” by the magazine, is a way for businesses to recognize the efforts and achievements of other businesses. Now in its 11th year, the B2B awards span industries in professional services, building services, and business services.

“It is pretty exciting,” said Andrea Brendis, of MediaSpark. “We certainly didn’t expect it as we’ve only just launched the social media arm of our business, but it goes to show how important social media is to the marketing mix.”

Brendis makes a strong point. According to eMarketer, Facebook ads will account for over one-third of all digital display ads in 2017, grabbing the attention of both mobile and desktop users and giving advertisers plenty to think about in terms of how to vie for their slice of the pie.

“We added social to our core offerings because it’s a necessary component to delivering a full marketing package,” said Patsy Sumner, MediaSpark founder, who has nearly 20 years of experience in consumer packaging and brand management. “The fact that we’re being recognized for our contributions to social media marketing underlie how important it is to have a strong message on all channels.”

“I love that we received a digital award on an analog balloting system,” adds Sumner. “People took the time to physically write our name on the ballot. I think it’s a testament to what we do for our clients; we provide first class media management on every channel. We make the extra effort as part of our business model, and it’s such an honor to be given an award that required the same.”