Social media marketing can supercharge your business. It can get your incredible brand in front of the right people at the right time, driving huge sales, tons of web traffic, and strong brand awareness. Or, it can totally flop.

Over the past several years, our social media marketing gurus here at MediaSpark have learned a whole lot about what works and what doesn’t. To put your budget to great use, we’ve rounded up the top six social media marketing mistakes we see everyday, and how to avoid making them yourself!

   1. Not having a plan

Without a goal, how will your business know where to go? Before you make a post, poll, video, or ad, you’ve got to know whyyou’re using social media to begin with. To get your name out there? To make sales? To attract visitors to your website? To create (or change) your brand’s reputation? Your end goal makes a major difference in the type of content your business should create— and where you put it.

   2. The “firehose” content method

We see this mistake all the time! Companies post two, three, or even five times a day, thinking more content = more business. But what really makes a difference? Great content. And less of it. You don’t want to create brand fatigue. Focus on making high-quality stuff that’s scroll-stopping, attention-grabbing, and visually appealing.

   3. Skimping on budget

Yes, organic social media is free to post. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put some budget behind it. Targeted ads can go a long way towards meeting your social media goals. Hiring an agency to run your social media platforms frees up your internal team to focus on what they’re best at. And high-quality content requires great photography, filming, and copywriting. If you want to do social right, be prepared to invest in it.

   4. Sharing with anyone and EVERYONE

Another mistake that makes us groan is seeing businesses market without a clear target audience. The more relevant your social media content, the better it will perform. And the only way you can make high-quality, relevant content is by getting to know your ideal customer. What do they like to read and watch? What hashtags and accounts do they follow? What posts are they most likely to engage with? The more targeted and relevant your posts are, the more likely your audience is to see them and hear your message.

   5. Forgetting user-generated content

When it comes to purchasing decisions, 79% of people say user-generated content impacts their buying choice. People love to see themselves (and their friends) on social media. And they trust these real-life product and brand experiences more than any ad. That’s what makes user-generated content so powerful. While branded content can fall on deaf ears, authentic content created by your brand fans, for your brand fans, generates shares, engagement, and interest.

   6. Doing social media marketing without an agency

Social media marketing is an artform. By working with a digital marketing agency, you can skip the trial-and-error process and jump straight to rewards and results. Plus, agencies like MediaSpark have access to social media tools that optimize every dollar, target your best audience, and expand your brand’s reach with every post.

When you’re ready to dodge the biggest social media marketing pitfalls and work with an expert team, call MediaSpark. We use a data-backed strategy to drive results you can bank on. Let’s chat!