Have you had any of these thoughts?

“Social media seems too complicated.”

“I feel like I’m wasting too much time guessing about what will work.”

“I’m not even sure what a “successful” social media strategy looks like.”

You’re not alone! Developing a social media strategy that’s more than just pictures and pound signs is tricky.

“You mean my business can’t survive on witty captions, perfectly placed emojis, and hashtags alone?”

Sorry, no. Not if you want to get the most from your efforts—and not for the long haul. While “winging it” is a great way to keep your social accounts active (at least on your end), using all of your social media tools is the best way to make sure your hard work pays off.

Enter, a data-backed social strategy. The easiest way to remove guesswork, save time, build great content, and conquer the world, one post at a time. Let’s get started.

Step 1: What’s your social media goal? 

Do you want more people to know about your company? Are you aiming for a new image? Do you want to sell more of your product or service straight from your page? When you clarify your goal, you can start tracking the metrics that matter: likes, mentions, amplification rate, or sales per platform.

Step 2: Deploy your tools. 

Now that you’re sold on your goals, pick your tools to track these metrics. For example, if you’re aiming to drive traffic from your LinkedIn page to your blog, Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking social media referral traffic. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn also have analytics trackers built right into your account to help with basic metrics tracking.

Step 3: Evaluate, tweak, and repeat!

Once you’ve gathered some data, it’s time to evaluate your progress. Has your content been getting to the right audience, boosting your engagement, or driving new sales? Great, keep up the good work. If not, try a split-test with two different posts to see if a new approach resonates better with your ideal customers.

Social media isn’t a science, but science can help.  

When you’ve got a data-backed social media plan, you know exactly who your audience is. You know what platform they’re browsing, on what day of the week, and what kind of posts get them to like, comment, and subscribe. Data helps you do more and reach further, with less—leaving you more time to focus on what happens after you build that relationship.

Stop cringing at your social data analytics and start turning it into the story you can’t put down. (There really is nothing like watching the metrics when you have momentum on your platforms!).

When you’re ready to build your social strategy, so are we! Schedule an intro call today.