As a video marketing agency headquartered in the great city of Omaha, we know a thing or two about what it takes to stand out around here. You may be thinking I’m a local business, the bread and butter of local advertising is billboards, radio ads, half-pages in the newspaper! And it’s true, traditional advertising can still play an important role in marketing campaigns. But in 2022, there’s a new(ish) strategy in town. And this one’s making a major splash.

2022 is the year of video marketing

In our digital age, people have the attention span of goldfish. That’s not an insult! We’re just busy, constantly multitasking, and moving at the pace of life. Plus we’re inundated with information from all sides. You may have heard the oft-quoted stat that in the US, we’re exposed to anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 ads per day. Like it or not, this is an information-centric world and we’re just living in it.

What makes video marketing different is that it cuts through the noise. A well-crafted video captures the attention of a serial scroller, causing them to slow down for a moment and channel their attention. It’s one of the most effective ways to build brand awareness and expand your customer base.

But don’t just take our word for it (although you could, because we’re one of the premier video marketing agencies in Omaha!). Check out these five compelling video marketing stats:

  • In 2020, when we were all stuck inside, 96% of us increased our online video consumption.
  • 92% of mobile users have shared a video with someone else.
  • This year, online videos are expected to make up over 82% of all consumer internet traffic.
  • In 2022, the average person is expected to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos!
  • In a poll by Adweek, 99% of marketers plan on using video marketing in their strategies this year.

We could go on and on, but the numbers speak for themselves. Video marketing is the hottest trend in marketing. Not because it’s a fad, because it works.

Omaha businesses that launch a strategic, high-quality video marketing campaign can tap into a powerful trend

Why? Because customers are increasingly choosing to shop local over big brands. In a 2021 survey by Nerdwallet, 61% of people reported preferring to shop at nearby small businesses because of the unique product selection. In another report, the two biggest reasons why residents prefer to shop nearby is because it keeps money flowing through the local economy and because local businesses tend to support community efforts.

Omaha businesses that can tap into the power of video marketing and the trend of shopping and supporting local are poised for growth.

So many small businesses get lost in the noise due to ineffective marketing. It’s crucial to get in front of your ideal local customers with a proven strategy that meets them right where they’re at—streaming video.

Looking for a video marketing agency here in Omaha? You’ve come to the right place. The team here at MediaSpark has the creativity and know-how to bring your marketing to life. To start something great, contact us!