Want to really make a marketing splash (and serious cash!) in 2023? Don’t just focus on what’s happening today. Think about what your customers will be searching, scrolling, and shopping tomorrow.

Every year, Pinterest releases a data-packed report that outlines the biggest pin search trends of the past year. (Just how good are Pinterest’s predictions? A full 80% of their forecasted trends have come true over the past three years!) And these user trends are a goldmine for businesses, brands, and advertisers— if they know how to maximize them. 

The biggest Pinterest predictions we’re watching

As Pinterest says, “People use Pinterest to plan for the future.” That means the platform sees the plans, preferences, and potential purchases of its 450 million monthly users long before these users are hosting the party, wearing the outfit, demoing their kitchen, or getting on the plane. 

Pinterest users get on the platform to research. They’re typically open to new ideas, curious about new brands, and are almost ready to buy. And Pinterest isn’t just an ideas platform, it’s now a commerce platform, too. And that’s what makes tracking these trends so valuable for businesses and brands!

So now that we’ve got your attention, let’s dive into the trends:

Pinterest Trend #1: Better money management

Pinterest users of all ages spent 2022 looking for new and creative ways to boost their rainy day funds. These users aren’t just looking for better value in what they buy— they’re looking for new ways to save faster and enjoy more. 

Check out Pinterest’s most popular savings search trends, by keyword:

  • Budget challenge: up 135%
  • Bi-weekly savings challenge: up 355%
  • Envelope challenge savings: up 155%

Pinterest Trend #2: Greater activity

According to Pinterest’s search trend data, both Gen X and Millennials are looking for functional fitness as a way to undo the impact of “tech neck” and increase their everyday movement. 

Take a look at Pinterest’s search data:

  • Mobility stretches: up 140%
  • Neck hump exercises: up 210%
  • Hip mobility exercises: up 100%

Pinterest Trend #3: Orange everything

Pastel pinks and deep greens are out. Orange is in! At least for weddings and parties. The rusty orange of 2023 symbolizes excitement, enthusiasm, and youthful optimism. Color psychology suggests orange increases your appetite— both for food and for social connections. 

Just how popular is this trending shade?

  • Burnt orange wedding theme: up 695%
  • Orange dress outfit wedding: up 285%

Pinterest Trend #4: Front door fabulous

In 2023, both Boomers and Gen X homeowners will be giving their front entrances more attention than ever— from the patio to the front door, and every step in between. While they may not be able to afford a whole-home makeover, they’ll turn to entryway and porch makeovers to get a big boost for a smaller budget. 

Here’s how this trend is shaking out on search: 

  • Foyer entryway decor ideas: up 190%
  • Front door transformation: up 85%
  • Garden front of house entrance: up 35%

How to use these emerging trends

By understanding what visual elements, activities, and trends your audience will be following over the next year, you can develop advertising content that resonates. 

Home renovation companies can use this trend data to double down on social media ads about refreshing your front porch or painting your door. Fitness brands and clothing companies can feature functional fitness tips throughout their email marketing campaigns. Service providers can add infographics or simple budgeting tools to their social feeds and website that show the wallet-friendly value of their offerings. And any brand, in any industry, can use shades of orange in their design to appeal to this major visual trend.

How you leverage these trends to capture your audience’s attention is up to you. But whatever you do, don’t let these trends pass you by!

We track the trends. You track the ROI.

At MediaSpark, we create data-backed digital marketing strategies that meet your customers where they’re at— online! Our high-value content and high-impact campaigns drive strong ROI you can take to the bank. Chat with our team to learn more about what MediaSpark can do for you!