Fall has officially started, which means the holiday season is upon us. Now is the time for you to start brainstorming your holiday-inspired social strategies. Integrating seasonal designs and promotions are a great way to stand out and boost engagement on your social feeds. Here are three content ideas to boost your audience engagement this holiday season.

1. Supporting social causes.
The best way to get in the holiday spirit is by supporting a social cause. Raising awareness for a cause is a great way to build community support and offer customers an outlet to get involved.

2. Use Facebook ads to promote your holiday sales
Facebook ads are an efficient way to optimize holiday campaigns. When you advertise on Facebook, you can target your ads to your desired audience based on behavior, interests and location. Targeting people likely to purchase your product means you can expect more visits to your website and high conversion rates.

3. Holiday-themed creative
The holidays are the perfect time to refresh your creative. New creative can go a long way in driving up brand awareness in your market. Consider creating a seasonal mood board to pull ideas from, so your brand can stay relevant and improve performance.

Contact MediaSpark today to help you start brainstorming content ideas for the holiday season!