If your local business doesn’t have a strategic, data-backed, forward-thinking social media plan in place, you’re leaving valuable sales and crucial customer information on the table! But knowing and executing are two different stories, and many Omaha businesses struggle to get the most out of their social accounts. They may be on the right platforms but still totally off-base.

If you’ve got a local business, you should be using social media in these six ways:

To create brand awareness

Did you know a person has to see a brand or logo at least five times before they remember it? That’s why social media is perfect for building brand awareness. Even if a potential customer doesn’t engage with your content, just by scrolling past your posts and videos, you’re building familiarity and a reputation.

To learn more about your customers

Social media is full of valuable information about your ideal local customers. You can learn about their product and brand preferences, demographic information, what types of content they love the most, and what they really think about your product or service. And all this information is available for free! Digging into your social media reports and looking through the interactions on your page can reveal a lot about your customers.

To make sales

Make it easy for your customers to buy what you have to offer by linking to your product’s checkout page right in your post, story, or video. The fewer pages your customers have to click through to reach checkout, the easier it is to connect them with the products and services they’ll love.

To promote user-generated content

Businesses that appear genuine and honest on social media gain the most loyal following. In fact, 86% of customers prefer to buy from businesses with an “authentic” brand personality. User-generated content is the most authentic kind of content you can share. Posting unedited feedback, customer review videos, and interviews show your social media following who your business really is, as told by your real-life customers.

To drive visitors to your website

Your social media accounts are great places to share your brand’s story. But for many Omaha businesses, your website is your real “closer.” Use posts, videos, and stories to link straight to the best pages on your website. Try encouraging your followers to click through to your website with a teaser line like, “Click the link to read more” or “Learn more on our website.”

To improve customer service

Seventy-three percent of customers love their go-to brand because of its helpful customer service. Social media is just another way to extend that great service. Quick, friendly, informative responses on social media show your customers (and everyone watching) that your business really does care. And that extra mile creates powerful brand loyalty.

At MediaSpark, we love helping Omaha businesses maximize their social media presence because we know how effective the right strategy can be. To learn more about what we can do for your local business, let’s chat!