Data is like a giant key that helps you unlock your ideal customer group. You may think your trusty gut-instinct is infallible when it comes to knowing what content to create. But oftentimes, taking a peek at the actual analytics of your content reveals some surprising insights—and, hopefully, prompts you to make some strategic changes to reach more of your dream clientele.

Remember, creating content without a clear roadmap is almost guaranteed to lead your business nowhere. Fast.Your future customers are practically begging you to create data-backed content.

We don’t just encourage building your strategy on analytics for your own benefit. You’re doing your customers a favor, too! Make sure the right people see your products and services to ensure you’re actually adding value to the right group. You’re running a great business. So make sure the right people know about it!

Remember: The right content to the wrong people is…the wrong content.
Data-driven content, equals improved customer experiences.
Sometimes, we business owners can get so in the weeds with our own business, we don’t realize our customers are totally confused. Or overwhelmed. Using data and feedback can help you see your business’ blindspots. If visitors bounce off your website within seconds, that’s a red flag that data can alert you to. If a high percentage of customers abandon their online shopping cart, another red flag.

Remember: Your marketing is a two-way conversation. Are you also listening?
Data reveals problems, so you can create solutions.
Gathering customer data can show you what your customers really want and need. It really helps you help them. Customer feedback reveals pain points for new products and areas of improvement for your existing line.

Remember, not all feedback comes via reviews and testimonials. Data captures behavior and real-time decision-making!
Wondering what to do next?
Launching a data-backed content strategy can feel overwhelming. And without an outside point of view, you could be missing out on a major opportunity. We can work with you to develop a comprehensive, data-backed marketing plan that gets results. Reach out call today to get started .