And why it’s important to your business!

Curiosity. The dictionary definition is “the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.” So how does this translate to your business? It’s important for your business to ride the momentum of constantly moving technological changes. By letting curiosity guide you, you have the best odds that your business will evolve with trends in media consumption and marketing best practices. So, where do you start?

1.  Ask why. 

We’ve all been there: in the hustle and grind of deadlines, meetings, goals, and the email inbox we can never stay on top of. Many of us never stop to ask why we do what we do – from ourselves, our employees, our clients, or our vendors. However, there’s something powerful in asking why. Why are we doing it this way? Why is this the way it’s always been done?  When we ask these types of questions, we are essentially saying “what are the results we expect?” Challenging the status quo can be uncomfortable, but it can also mean your company rises to the top with innovative strategies and revolutionary ideas.

2.  Learn new things. 

Did you know that 65% of children in school will be doing work in the future that doesn’t yet exist. What does this mean for adults currently in the professional world? Whether you are in new to the workforce or have established an impressive tenure, the best skill you can have in business is the ability to learn new things. Constantly. If you’re worried technology is passing you buy, stay fresh on Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning(formerly, Udemy, and more.

3.  Look at successes and failures in other industries and  businesses.

This does not mean to keep up with the Joneses or fall into the ugly trap of comparison. We’re also not suggesting to steal someone’s ideas. The benefit of looking outside your company is that you can gather insight into a new-to-you method of doing business, a new-to-you marketing tactic, or a new-to-you way to reach your customers. After all, you can learn from others’ mistakes without making them yourself.

4.  Cultivate creativity.

Even if your role isn’t “creative,” it’s important to foster the skill of creativity. It’s good for you and your business. Take up creative hobbies like crafts, photography, or floral arranging – even if you’re not very good at it. Read a lot. Listen to podcasts. Watch documentaries on cooking or art. When we allow our minds to think creatively, we’re actually training our brains to make unique connections between seemingly contrasting ideas. The more creativity we use, the more we have. How does this affect business? Creative thinking will allow you to better solve problems, look at challenges from new angles, and keep you engaged.

5.  Get feedback. 

This is an important one. When you get customer feedback, and adapt, you can better serve your customers. You’re communicating that what they want matters to you. When a consumer feels seen and heard by a company, they become loyal customers. You can also get feedback from employees, industry leaders, and peers. The point is, no business is perfect, and getting others’ perspectives allows you to always be evolving, growing, analyzing, and optimizing. From Harvard Business Review, “…listening is as important as talking: It helps us fill gaps in our knowledge and identify other questions to investigate.”

Curious how to implement curiosity into your marketing plans? Let’s talk.