At MediaSpark, our digital marketing experts never stop learning. We’re constantly tracking trends, watching developments, leveraging new tech and tools, and working to stay on the cutting-edge of marketing. Digital marketing is endlessly evolutionary— and that’s why we love it!

Because we know you probably don’t spend hours on end reading up on the latest and greatest in this industry, we’ve compiled a quick list of 5 of the most exciting digital marketing trends we’re watching going into 2023. These trends aren’t wholly new, but they each represent a small shift or growth in a trend you’re already familiar with.

So without further ado, let’s dig into the trends!

     1. Hyper-local digital marketing

The first trend we’re watching makes the world wide web just a little smaller. And as a digital marketing agency headquartered in the homespun city of Omaha, we love this emerging trend because it connects businesses and communities in a really effective way. And it’s not just a trend we see here in Nebraska!

Across the country, businesses are recognizing the power of hyper-local marketing through geofencing, personalized ads and displays, Google Business optimizations, and geo-tagged content. It’s a cost-effective alternative to national campaigns, and gives businesses the opportunity to really customize their messaging to their local target audience.

     2. An increase in SEO for voice search

Hey Siri, how many searches are conducted by voice?

The answer: A whopping 20%! And that number is expected to increase to 50% in the coming years. For restaurants, hotels, and retailers in particular, this creates a huge SEO opportunity.

When Alexa, Siri, and Google scan the internet to answer your latest voice question, they look for short, clear, easily-found tidbits. And because the questions you ask your virtual assistant tend to be more conversational than the ones typed into your search engine, the content these devices share typically is too. That’s why SEO optimized for voice search is an emerging trend worth following.

     3. Video marketing remains popular

We’ve been talking about the huge video marketing trend since late 2021, and it’s not going anywhere in 2023! Easily consumable, shareable, eye-catching content remains one of the most effective ways to share your story, products, and services with customers.

Get this—from 2018 to 2022, the amount of video content people consume has nearly doubled. People are gravitating towards video, and businesses are learning how to leverage it in really powerful ways.

     4. Even more influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has been around for several years, but in 2023, expect even more businesses to jump on the brand-wagon as the practice becomes widespread.

In 2023, we expect heightened professionalism and organization to emerge in this field. Many influencers already work with agents and PR firms to manage their affiliate deals and promotions. Next year, as the market continues to grow, it will become even simpler to source and connect with influencers who have highly targeted followings.

     5. An increase in digital marketing geared towards Gen Z

Millennials may be the largest consumer group, and Baby Boomers may have the greatest buying power, but Gen Z represents an enormous market just starting to come of age. In 2021, Gen Z held an estimated $360B in disposable income—and they’re not afraid to spend it.

Brands with a strong social media presence tend to attract the most attention from Gen Z. For this growing group of buyers, digital marketing is essentially the only marketing they connect with. Businesses that nail their social presence will see more interactions from this demographic. And because they’re loyal to the brands they appreciate—and tend to share their recommendations more than other generations—making a Gen Z customer now opens the door for long-term, repeat business.

At MediaSpark, our digital marketing team keeps businesses in Omaha (and nationwide!) on-trend and on-target

Together, our team has 15 decades of experience monitoring trends, empowering business growth, and maximizing our clients’ marketing budgets. Our data-driven, creative approach to digital marketing positions businesses just like yours for exceptional results. Want to talk about your business goals? Let’s Chat!