Hiring an agency is a big decision. A common misconception is that large agencies are better performing because of the resources available. There are many things small agencies offer that large agencies can’t do. Here are four reasons why you should consider partnering with a small agency.

1. Small team dynamic

A small team comprised of individuals with specialized skillsets ensures quality work. It also provides clients direct, daily access to leadership – more than just once a year when a contract needs renewed. At MediaSpark, you can be sure everyone on the team keeps a close eye on your campaign. Our small group enables us to invest a significant amount of time in our clients’ success.

2. Flexible Planning

Navigating evolving technology and consumer trends requires a strategic, but also flexible approach. To help companies lead in the digital game, MediaSpark believes campaigns need to be flexible. Something that works now may not work 6 months from now. The rigid structure and approval processes of a large agency can result in unnecessary delays. MediaSpark is flexible so your campaign can keep pace with the latest trends.

3. Specialized in digital

At MediaSpark, we are specialists in digital media and complex strategic targeting. We take the time to educate our clients with our years of insight and experience. We use data to maximize results more efficiently than anyone else.

4. Real people measuring and analyzing results.

MediaSpark’s hands-on approach to our digital partnership means we have real people reviewing and analyzing your campaign results. MediaSpark continuously analyzes and compares data from your marketing channels to help your marketing team make decisions that will drive company growth.

There are significant advantages to working with a small agency, especially one that specializes in digital. At MediaSpark, we are focused on helping businesses achieve their bottom line and educating along the way. Contact us today to discuss what a partnership with MediaSpark can do for your business.