Some marketing and advertising agencies leave you feeling like little more than an account number.

Some agencies hand you a one-size-fits-all plan that doesn’t take into account your specific audience, brand voice, and differentiators.

Some agencies spend all their time chasing down clients— and none of their time tending to the ones they have.

But MediaSpark is a different kind of advertising agency. Here’s why:

  1. We’re never more than a call (or email, text, or DM!) away

Want to hop on a Zoom to share a new business idea? Or grab coffee and chat about your latest product? Our team is accessible, available, and always willing to collaborate. Because if it’s important to you it’s important to us.

  1. When you engage MediaSpark, you know exactly who you’re getting

We don’t play that old bait-and-switch game. The marketing expert who pitched that plan you love? They’ll work directly with you to see it through to the end.

We don’t do hand-offs, downgrades, or surprises (unless they’re good ones!).

  1. We don’t guess, we know

MediaSpark clients benefit from our data-first approach to marketing. We use multiple sources of data, advanced algorithms, and seasoned insights to reach your dream customer, build brand loyalty, and smooth out your customer journey. Because a frictionless experience is a repeated experience!

Some newer advertising agencies will use your business to test their latest marketing strategy. But our team knows what works because we’ve got the data (and boots-on-the-ground experience) to prove it!

We take a creative, two-part approach to analyzing information:

  • We follow the numbers: We use data to find and reach your ideal clients. For example, geofencing data helps us target your dream customers in specific areas. Data identifiers teach us about their behaviors in real time. Then, A/B testing teaches us what your customers love the most, so we can double those efforts.
  • We continuously optimize: We keep a close eye on your campaign data to see what’s working and what can be improved. Real time adjustments made by our experienced marketers expands your impact and maximizes every marketing dollar.
  1. We’ve been building brand reputations in Omaha and nationwide for decades

When we say we know how to build brands into household names, we mean it!

Every professional on our team has an average of 20 years of experience in media or marketing. Our experts have worked with headline brands like Nestle, Barbie, Panda Express, TD Ameritrade, and more.

We understand local brands, national companies, nonprofits, and a variety of industries. And we’ve helped businesses in every industry achieve visible, measurable results using our proven, data-backed strategies.

MediaSpark is an advertising agency in Omaha. But it’s also so much more

We don’t just develop strategies that boost sales, expand your reach, increase your impact, and grow your profits. We future-proof your company.

In today’s fast-paced economy, businesses that falter, fold. But high-impact marketing, advertising, and media strategies keep your brand front-and-center, whether you’re here in Omaha, online, or nationwide!

Ready for more loyal customers, memorable interactions, and growth? Let’s chat!