Is it just us, or does time seem to fly by faster than ever?? It feels like there’s never enough hours in the day to be a parent, a business owner, a marketer, a social media manager, and every other role we fill.

That’s why we love time hacks. If it saves us time, effort, or brain-energy (and still gets the job done right!) we’re all about it. And we have a hunch you feel the same way.

If you’re looking to boost your social media marketing game and generate strong engagement, we’ve got three time-hacking tips you can start using today:

Time-hack #1: Repurpose your existing content

If you’ve got it, use it!

Chances are, you have a ton of good content already created—from your website and print materials to your blog posts and emails.

Sift through your existing content to see what pieces you can reuse for short social media posts, videos, and images. Do you have a blog post with six tips for saving money this year? Then you’ve got six easy posts you can sprinkle in over the next couple of months! Did you draft a seasonal email to send to your leads? Grab your phone and record a team member sharing that message over video, and post that!

We recommend keeping your eye out for the helpful, interesting, funny, and on-brand communications your business is already using. As you come across pieces of potential content, stash them in one place for easy future reference.

Time-hack #2: Encourage user-generated content

Unboxing videos, candid interviews, tagged social media posts and mentions—these are all great examples of user-generated content you can repurpose on your own social feeds. And best of all, since 92% of consumers consider user-generated content to be more honest and authentic, resharing this content is a fantastic way to improve your brand’s reputation and build customer trust!

Bonus tip: Another awesome source of user-generated content is review sites. Check your Google reviews, Yelp reviews, and social media mentions for quotes you can repurpose. If your company does good business, you’ll never be short on this high-impact content!

Time-hack #3: Use analytics to double-down on what works

If you’ve been following MediaSpark for any length of time, you know we’re all about data. We live, breathe, and speak metrics, day-in and day-out. Why? Because nothing reveals your customers true opinions, preferences, and motivators like a targeted report.

You can spend extra time guessing, researching, and trial-and-error-ing your way to a decent social media strategy (wasting valuable time and marketing $$ in the process), or you can see what the data says your customers really love.

What content is truly scroll-stopping? What post generated the greatest website traffic? Which blogs held your readers’ attention, and which videos had the most views? Figure out what worked in 2022, and double-down on that content this year.

Another easy way to up your social game? Partner with MediaSpark

We’re a social media marketing agency in Omaha with happy clients all over the country, and we’re experts at all things social media. We track the latest trends, algorithms, and best practices, and our clients reap the rewards. Sound good? Then Let’s Chat!